Manta Node CLI ============== Here’s the command to start the Manta Node: .. code:: console $ manta_node --help usage: manta_node [-h] [--version] [--m_host M_HOST] [--m_port M_PORT] [--ls_host LS_HOST] [--ls_port LS_PORT] [--data_folder DATA_FOLDER] [--log_filename LOG_FILENAME] [--secured_token SECURED_TOKEN] [--ca_port CA_PORT] [--alias ALIAS] [--random_id] [--debug] [--verbose] Manta Node CLI optional arguments: <...> Explanation of the options .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Flag - Description * - :code:`--m_host` - Hostname or IP address of the Manta Manager. This must be accessible by the Manta Node. * - :code:`--m_port` - Port on which the Manta Manager is running. The default gRPC port is typically 50051. * - :code:`--ls_host` - Hostname or IP address of the Light Server. Defaults to `localhost`. * - :code:`--ls_port` - Port for the Light Server. Defaults to 50052. * - :code:`--data_folder` - Folder containing the data to be processed by the tasks running in the Docker containers. * - :code:`--log_filename` - Path to the log file where Manta Node will write its logs. * - :code:`--secured_token` - Token provided by the Manta Manager in secured mode for the first connection. * - :code:`--ca_port` - Port for the Certification Authority. Defaults to 50050. * - :code:`--alias` - Alias name for convenient selections * - :code:`--random_id` - Make Node ID as a random ID * - :code:`--debug` - Debug mode - All logs are printed and saved into a file. * - :code:`-v` - Increases the verbosity of logs. Use :code:`-v`, :code:`-vv`, or :code:`-vvv` to increase the verbosity level. .. warning:: The combination :code:`-vvv` with :code:`--debug` allows you to print all logs (:code:`INFO`, :code:`DEBUG`, :code:`ERROR`) and also store these logs in an embedded database (file: :code:`.manta/traces.db`). By removing :code:`--debug`, you will only store logs in the embedded database even if they are not printed. If you change :code:`-vvv` to :code:`-v`, only :code:`ERROR` will be saved.